Friday, December 22, 2006


And that doesn't even come close!

Today we had our dating scan appointment. I couldn't help but look my best for the occasion. After all this was the first time we were to meet our little tike (as Ryan has now labeled the bubs). Hair done, make up on, a little perfume. I know I know, what does the baby care. But a special occasion deserves to be noted and that was all I could think of.

So with water in the bladder and ready to meet this little one we waited in the waiting room. Being late helps with not having to wait so long in waiting rooms =) I had tried to leave home on time to pick Ryan up. I'd de-iced the car with enough time but then as I pulled out the street a car had broken down and was blocking the road. So took a bit for that to be moved. I would have offered to help push but i was a bit too far back in the que to be running too and fro and in my delicate state I shouldn't be pulling cars. Anyway finally we got moving and I made it to Ryan at work who had retreated back inside after waited by the roadside for me. Off we went. Arriving at about 1040 with the appointment at 1045. Plenty of time!

Once called to the room I took my spot on the bed and Ryan stood with a good view of the monitor. A little jelly applied to the lower abdomen and we were away. Within seconds there he/ she was. I did a little squeal of amazement. Ryan was quiet. Wish i could have seen his facials. There bubs was jumping around. Kinda looked like a convulsant case of hiccups. And wow wow wow. Absolutely amazing! So there REALLY IS a BABY inside me after all! And it has every limb and the report is that all is looking well.

One catch well not really a catch. Set back, but not a bad one!

DUE DATE: 5th July! (no longer 22nd June)
Which means on Thursday we were 12 weeks not 14.

God is a God of surprises. Not entirely sure yet but this minor/major detail could be very helpful in terms of maternity pay entitlement but we won't know that for a while. I will have been at work a year on July 3rd so now with the estimated due date being after the 3rd of July we might be in luck. We'll see. Maybe not.

This may mean less chance of being in labour on my birthday (18th June). But June is such a cool month!

So there here you have him or her folks. This our babe.

(sorry about the small pictures)




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