14 Weeks
So here we are again at 14 weeks but this time it's real. Our bubs really is 14 weeks!
Changes over the last few weeks have been few. Hormones are affecting my bodily functions somewhat but i'll spare you the detail. Haven't put on any weight but I am definitely starting to get a bump even if it is only enough for me to notice and not others at this point.
We went to a ball on New Years eve and I wore the same top that I had worn to my brother and sister-in-law's wedding back in November and it was DEFINITELY tighter. It's a fitted bodice top and was very snug whereas before there was at least enough room to breathe comfortably.
Today's Measurements:
Waist 90.7cm
Bust 88.5cm
Waist 90.7cm
Bust 88.5cm
And just for a bit of comparison...
Ryan's Measurements
Waist 80cm
'Bust'/Pecks 92cm (haha)
In terms of bubs one of the websites shares the following info about his/her growth...
Your rate of growth is nothing compared to the baby's: If this rate of growth continued after birth, he or she would be thirteen feet tall at one month of age!
All of baby's major organs have formed by the 15th week of pregnancy. Some, such as the heart and kidneys, will continue to develop further this trimester. Eyebrows and fingernails form. The reddish, wrinkled skin is covered with a fine hair.
The baby is now about 12.5 cms or 4.92 inches. The baby is now producing urine and actually urinating into the amniotic fluid (eww). It also can practice "breathing" the amniotic fluid in and out of its lungs (pretty amazing huh!).
He/she looks something like this!
Sleeping quietly hiding from the world
So that's where we're at. Quietly developing inside my belly our little human being that is not so bean like anymore.
Lots of people have been asking lately about have we thought of names. Answer: Yes. Then they want to know what they are. This has become a little debate between Ryan and I as to whether or not to tell people. Well i started it really cos i thought we'd just keep them a secret until bubs was born but then Ryan told someone some of the names we had been thinking of. We had told Ryan's sister Tracey and William cos they're expecting too and we wanted to know we weren't wanting the same names.So what do you think? I just think that chosing your childs name is a huge task. They're stuck with it for the rest o their lives - well i guess they could change it if they really wanted to - and you want to get it right and be sure of it. I don't want people giving me their opinions really cos we might really like a name and then someone might put us off it if we told them....
Dunno maybe I'm just being silly.
As for the baby's sex we do NOT plan to find that out at our next scan. It's not that we don't want to know it's just that it will make a nice surprise. It's a load of bollucks that it makes planning for clothes and things easier in my opinion. Babies only need so much in the forst few days/ months and they grow out of it so quick anyway. So unless the sonographer lets slip about the sex we're not finding out =)
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