Travel with a growing bump
Feels like ages since I've made any entries on here but in reality it probably hasn't. Which makes me wonder how fast the next few months will actually pass by. Will they actually disappear in no time or will it just feel that way and in reality be a fair while until we welcome our new addition.
This new addition has got a few names I realised that I hadn't mentioned any. Not talking real names. That one is a secret (although we do have one picked out). These are names that we give our baby or which others have.
Real name + 'ster' on the end. EG Mezzster
MiniMo - as in Mini Monastra (not mini Ryan as Ry was known as Mo at uni. Although this child is bound to be like him in one way or another!)
PomKi/ KiPom (as in combinations of Kiwi + English Pom)
I'm sure there's more but they've slipped my mind.
So anyway we've just got back from a trip to America. We were there for a wedding which was fantastic to be a part of. I wasn't sure how I would find it travelling at 27 weeks pregnant but you know it wasn't that bad.
I did a little research a while back about travel insurance. Travelling in America I wanted to make sure that we would be fully covered should, God forbid, anything happen and I find myself in hospital. I rang a few insurance companies and found that good old Marks & Spensers covers pregnant women up to 30 something weeks. Many I looked at only covered up to 26 weeks. So that all sorted I felt a lot better about travelling that far.
The flights weren't too bad. I was going to take anti-thrombotic stockings to help my circulation while flying but forgot in the end. The 8hr flight from Paris to Atlanta was good cos we had great leg room. Somehow we got upgraded to what seemed like superior class which had just that much more leg room. We hadn't realised at the time that we'd been upgraded and thought Air France was great for having so much space. However on the way home we were in economy and the lack of leg space was immediately noticeable. So not so comfy on the way back which was not so great as we were flying overnight and this was the time to get some sleep.
There was also a little someone who decided that it was time to wake up and do back flips and somersaults and to use mum's abdomen as a punching bag just when she wanted to sleep!! Despite being tired I couldn't help but smile and thank our child for this lesson in selflessness and patience. I am not the centre of the universe and soon there is going to be a little body that is going to want our attention. He/She will not know what time of day it is, or that we're exhausted, or that this is 'quiet time' and that is that. And so I loved our little one through the kicks and punches and tried to get some shut eye.
We had a great time in Atlanta and I managed to keep up with the crowd most of the time. I was most proud of the fact that I didn't need to ask for an extra toilet stops while on the road. I did however use every opportunity to ensure my bladder was empty.
We went on a couple of walks in the woods. On one of the walks I started getting some strong cramps in my pelvic region. I hadn't had these before and so I decided I better stop and have a rest. So I sat and contemplated the beauty of God's creation while Ryan and the other three with me went on just a little further. The cramping went away after my 5 min rest, then returned on the walk back a little but then disappeared. It didn't scare me but was enough to tell me to slow down.
The second feat was this mountain. We all took it pretty slow... well either that or everyone was letting me lead so as not to wear me out. We made it to the chilly top of Stone Mountain and back. Great views and it was fantastic to see the views, get some exercise and breathe in the fresh yet freezing air.
So this is us with Stone Mountain in the background ready to be conquered!
And then minus Ryan (who was taking the pic) with the rest of the crew having made it to the top! Check out that bump! My top only just zips up now.
So that's our last big trip until after bubs is here. I'm glad we did it. Totally achievable at this stage in the pregnancy.
From now on our focus can shift a little more to this little being. Time to prepare for as much as we can for parenthood! AHHH!
More updates tomorrow as we reach 28 weeks.
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