Saturday, February 10, 2007

19 Weeks and You Move Me!

I've either convinced myself or this is in fact the real deal.

I'm sure this baby is moving!!! AND I CAN FEEL IT!!!

All day yesterday at work I kept feeling 'something' down there. I can't describe it. So many people say different things like - "it feels like butterflies" "it's like popcorn popping" "a goldfish swimming around"... They say all these things like you already know what the sensation of a goldfish swimming round i your belly would feel like!!!

So all I'm going to say is that it's pretty amazing. Each time I've felt this baby move it's sent this warm fuzzi through my veins. And I just wanna giggle at how utterly cool it is that this baby is having a good ol' time floating around in there!

The whole pregnancy experience is still a little surreal to be honest. The belly is growing but that is just leaving me feeling a little fat at the moment. However this movement, this awareness that there something more than just gas rumbling in my tum is something else! Oh to have Ryan experience it. Grow baby grow so that he can feel you moving.


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