Thursday, June 07, 2007

"Pregnancy suits you"

Well those are the words of the midwife today... and I don't think I would disagree with her.

I have had and am having a wonderful pregnancy. It started off well and has gotten better as the months have gone by and now this journey is almost over. I have wondered if, what many women have said to me is true - "you grieve for your pregnancy". Such a concept seemed all a bit strange to me initially but now I think maybe I understand how it can be so. Pregnancy after all is a very intimate process. As the body undergoes physical changes like it never has before the mind is also thrown into a spin of thoughts and questions. The emotions are mostly stable but certainly resemble the motion of a yo yo at times - full credit and a certificate of achievement to Ryan for so graciously living through what mood swings I have had. And then once the movement starts you really start to realise that there really IS a body in there. You are not only looking after yourself but you are the lifeline to another person.

The child within me is relying on me for everything it needs to live. From hormonal balance, to nourishment for growth I am provider and deliverer and some days it is somehow easy to forget that.

I hope our baby has enjoyed the journey from within. I hope bubs hasn't minded my singing, my talking, my groaning, my poking and prodding.

Today as we waited in the reception area at the doctors there was another pregnant woman there looking radiant and enjoying the company of her toddler, and there was a mum who arrived with what looked like a fairly new baby. And I couldn't help but think how truly beautiful new life is. The whole room felt as though it was drawn into the wonder and awe of it. We all gazed at this little one, distracted from our conversations because new life really is just SO MAGICAL! MYSTICAL! WONDERFUL!

And I couldn't help but think of you baby. I couldn't help but wonder what you will look like and the way in which you will so easily mesmerise us. I couldn't help but look at Ryan, your wonderful papa and think how more than grateful I am to God for the gift that he is and this journey we're sharing together.

Four weeks from today we hope to meet you in the flesh. Four weeks from today.... WOW.

Today's Visit
BP 127/80 - that's because we power walked there! My legs simply do not move as fast as they used to no matter how much I want them to. And although I refuse to admit that I'm waddling, when I try to speed up I certainly feel awkward.

Fundal height: 34cm - should be 36cm but the midwife isn't too worried. If it's still behind at the visit in two weeks then they may send us for a scan. It's likely that we're just having a little baby.

Relation to Brim: 4/5 = the top part of the head is in the pelvis.

Still head down: Don't I know it! Can feel bubs' little butt up by my ribs on the right and feet and heels getting well aquainted with the left side of my abdomen!

Baby's heart heard loud and clear.

Bloods taken to check my iron levels - fairly sure I'm not anaemic.

Next check up: 21st June.


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