33 Weeks down ... 7 to go.
Baby is inhaling amniotic fluid to exercise his or her lungs.
Some babies have full heads of hair by now; others have only a bit of fuzz. Ryan's not sure but I don't think I was born with a full head of hair. Either way my conclusion is that it will be cute. No not just cute but VERY cute!
Your baby has a normal waking and sleeping pattern. Many times, your movement throughout the day will lull him or her to sleep; while you are inactive at night, it is a chance for him or her to be awake and active. You got that right! Far out! I think our baby is starting to enjoy a lot more awake time. Today at work I had numerous kicks that literally make me jump and this evening eating dinner mouthfuls were taken in the breaks between a kick under the ribs, perhaps a heel in one side and a punch on the other. Joy of joys. One thing is for certain, you baby have limbs that are working just fine. I hope your mind is just as active.
Your baby can listen, feel, and see. Excellent. Despite this, the child does not always understand. Like when I put on a nice but slightly stern voice and ask politely not to be elbowed/kneed/or kicked in 'that spot'.
I should do some more singing to the little one. Pick out my favourite tunes and hope he/she likes them as much as I do so that I can use them postpartum for that soothing effect.
The pupils of the eye can detect light and constrict and dilate. All the better to see us with my dear.
Your baby's lungs are almost completely matured. In other words: 'Ready to scream the house down' NOT!
Fat will continue to be deposited on your baby's body for protection and warmth. At our last midwife appointment - which i don't think I've mentioned - the midwife said our baby has long legs and needs to put on some weight. So fat deposits, Go For Gold! But remember it's summer soon and bubs will be fine with just a little less than requirements.
Your baby's skin color turns from red to pink. And if this baby is anything like his/her daddy - to brown with a little bit of sunshine.
By week 33 of pregnancy, you will have gained between 10 and 12 kilos from your pre-pregnancy weight. I neither confirm nor deny. Was too busy at work today to check my weight (no scales at home)
Your belly button may "pop" anytime from here on out. I just don't have much of a belly button any more now. It's flat. Maybe yet to pop.
Other symptoms of late pregnancy you may be experiencing:
Excessive tiredness I wouldn't say excessive but I did enjoy a two hour sleep this afternoon and am certainly all the more tired these days.
Confessions from the husband: Ryan confessed this week to being kept awake by yours truly. Apparently I am breathing rather heavily these days and it's enough to wake him. The cramps I wake up with also wake him. As I roll around groaning in pain and as my calf seizes causing intense pain his sleep it disrupted. So sorry honey.
I tell him that all these disturbances are for his own good because pretty soon it will be the sound of a whimpering/ screaming child that will be waking him rather that of his groaning, heavy breathing, tossing and turning whale-like wife. hehe
We both gave each other a bit of a horrified look as, at our antenatal class, the midwife mentioned how we would be getting by on 4hrs sleep soon. Poor Ry. I hope he's going to be able to function OK at work.
Braxton Hicks Contractions Nope don't think so
Pelvic aches (from the pressure of your baby). Yip
You may have strangely vivid dreams. Yeah I have been dreaming quite a lot lately and mostly they are pregnancy related.
Baby is inhaling amniotic fluid to exercise his or her lungs.
Some babies have full heads of hair by now; others have only a bit of fuzz. Ryan's not sure but I don't think I was born with a full head of hair. Either way my conclusion is that it will be cute. No not just cute but VERY cute!
Your baby has a normal waking and sleeping pattern. Many times, your movement throughout the day will lull him or her to sleep; while you are inactive at night, it is a chance for him or her to be awake and active. You got that right! Far out! I think our baby is starting to enjoy a lot more awake time. Today at work I had numerous kicks that literally make me jump and this evening eating dinner mouthfuls were taken in the breaks between a kick under the ribs, perhaps a heel in one side and a punch on the other. Joy of joys. One thing is for certain, you baby have limbs that are working just fine. I hope your mind is just as active.
Your baby can listen, feel, and see. Excellent. Despite this, the child does not always understand. Like when I put on a nice but slightly stern voice and ask politely not to be elbowed/kneed/or kicked in 'that spot'.
I should do some more singing to the little one. Pick out my favourite tunes and hope he/she likes them as much as I do so that I can use them postpartum for that soothing effect.
The pupils of the eye can detect light and constrict and dilate. All the better to see us with my dear.
Your baby's lungs are almost completely matured. In other words: 'Ready to scream the house down' NOT!
Fat will continue to be deposited on your baby's body for protection and warmth. At our last midwife appointment - which i don't think I've mentioned - the midwife said our baby has long legs and needs to put on some weight. So fat deposits, Go For Gold! But remember it's summer soon and bubs will be fine with just a little less than requirements.
Your baby's skin color turns from red to pink. And if this baby is anything like his/her daddy - to brown with a little bit of sunshine.
By week 33 of pregnancy, you will have gained between 10 and 12 kilos from your pre-pregnancy weight. I neither confirm nor deny. Was too busy at work today to check my weight (no scales at home)
Other symptoms of late pregnancy you may be experiencing:
Excessive tiredness I wouldn't say excessive but I did enjoy a two hour sleep this afternoon and am certainly all the more tired these days.
Confessions from the husband: Ryan confessed this week to being kept awake by yours truly. Apparently I am breathing rather heavily these days and it's enough to wake him. The cramps I wake up with also wake him. As I roll around groaning in pain and as my calf seizes causing intense pain his sleep it disrupted. So sorry honey.
I tell him that all these disturbances are for his own good because pretty soon it will be the sound of a whimpering/ screaming child that will be waking him rather that of his groaning, heavy breathing, tossing and turning whale-like wife. hehe
We both gave each other a bit of a horrified look as, at our antenatal class, the midwife mentioned how we would be getting by on 4hrs sleep soon. Poor Ry. I hope he's going to be able to function OK at work.
Braxton Hicks Contractions Nope don't think so
Pelvic aches (from the pressure of your baby). Yip
You may have strangely vivid dreams. Yeah I have been dreaming quite a lot lately and mostly they are pregnancy related.
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