Thursday, April 12, 2007

196 days/ 28 weeks/ 7 Months!


We've made it through another month. The baby belly grows, the belly moves, the belly keeps me awake at night, the belly tickles, kicks, rolls. this baby in my belly is someone special. I still love this baby despite the kicks in the middle of the night when I really would quite like some sleep. After all this is how it works. We're the parents, bubs is the child. By nature of that relationship we need to learn to give more. To give, and give and give some more even if all we receive is a kick in the ribs.

What I'm feeling tonight is tiredness and it kinda scares me that this is nothing compared to the tiredness we're in for come July. Then we will be able to understand what that word really means. But I have this sense that... some days at least... it's a tiredness that you gotta love. Just as when this baby starts rolling around when I'm tucking myself in for the night and starts tickling me under the ribs. I giggle a little as more than the discomfort I relish in how utterly fantastic it is and more to the point what an amazing blessing it is to bare this child. To carry this child.


But really it's quite beautiful...

So the weight gain over the last month now sees me weighing in at 72 kg.

Mount Mini MeznMo measure a whopping 101cm

We got right into the swing of this baby business when we got back from our holiday. It was time to do a bit of shopping so we got to and we bought our precious bubs his/her cot and also a handy change table. They were a DIY job so 'someone' needed to put them together. That someone wasn't going to be me because it has been proved time and time again (apparently..) that I'm no good at following instructions and getting it right so that left.... hmmm... RYAN.

He politely asked me:
"Now Mez did you want me to put these together now or do you wanna wait for another day?"
HA! Too cute!

So in true male fashion he got to with his nails, hammer, screw driver and other boy tools and managed to follow the instructions himself and produce the following!

Check out that beaming smile! One happy boy right there!

So there you have it.


Loving this journey.


If I know what love is, it is because of you. - Herman Hesse


Blogger Ange said...

Mez, You look absolutely stunning!!! And your belly is HUGE! I so want to be over there to see you and feel the belly kicks, but alas I cannot. I knew you would be a bubble pregnant person hehe its funny tho cos you an see your belly button! It seems to have been squashed out! Hopefully my parcel will arrive in the not too distant future and you can put some clothes in those new drawers. Well done with the handyman-ness Ry! :D

Awww missing you guys lots!!!



11:55 PM  

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