Another Day Rolls By....
And yes I'm sure Ryan will look exactly like that! A cheesey grin will expand from ear to ear as the moment when he will get to hold his child, is finally on it's way. Unfortunately for my sake this could also be how I look, but for now this is entirely staged.
Ryan was obviously out of luck with 7/7/7. We went to bed ever hopeful that things would kick off but unless I was to have a very short labour there was no chance that this baby was going to make an appearance.
So our strategy has been to make plans so that rather than waiting on bubs to make a move we can be taken by surprise and the days, between now and whenever we're actually going to have this baby, go by a little faster.
So last night we went to Mass. This morning we went to Vineyard church and we've not long got back from a picnic at a nice spot called Rufford Abbey. A great day for a picnic. This is the second day now that there has been no rain and it really was fabulous.
Really it's not too bad being overdue. For sure we're all hoping that it doesn't go on for too much longer because we just can't wait to meet this baby!
As far as this pregnancy is going I still couldn't ask for better. I have no back pain, no swelling, I'm peeing more, yes (sorry if that's too much information!) but it's not every 5 minutes. I'm sleeping relatively soundly (at least when I am asleep) and not waking up too drained. I'm still able to eat as much as Ryan dishes me for dinner (which is phenomenal for a non-pregnant woman let alone a pregnant woman with no-where near as much space in there!) without feeling sick. I don't suffer from reflux and I can still manage a 45 minute walk without feeling like I'm going to collapse from shortness of breath.
We definitely think this baby is piling on the weight though. My belly is getting stretched that little bit more each day and there doesn't feel like there is much more than one ever growing child in there. In fact I had a dream the other night that I gave birth to quite a big baby. It came out looking like an 8mth old, no new baby look about it at all, no wrinkly baby skin. Round and chubby fingers and toes and full cheeks. Thank goodness it was just a dream!
So we wait. And we will try and enjoy the waiting. I do hope we don't make it to Thursday.
If our baby is born today the 8th July it will share it's birthday with Aunty Tracey (Ryan's sister in NZ who recently had a little boy. Yay a cousin for our little one already!). If it's born tomorrow, 9th July, it will share it's birthday with my brother-in-law to be (Nick) and Caleb a great friend of ours (who was best-man at our wedding and who is expecting his second baby in Oct). On the 10th July is our friend Ruth's birthday so if this baby wants a birth date of it's own then Wednesday is looking like it's the only available option at this point. Although there are lots and I means lots of July birthdays on my dad's side of the family so it's quite possible there's nothing free for another month! DEAR GOD please let our child be the sharing type!
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