Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hospital Bag/ Labour Bag/ THE BAG!

My boss was the first to ask and since then there has been a string of people - actually that's not true just my mum!- who have asked have you packed THE BAG yet?

The short answer - Nope.

I'm not putting it off as such, it's just one of those 'get round to it' jobs. I have started but according to this list I've found online it's far from complete. Mainly because I need to buy a few things and secondly because I'm still using some of the things I want to take

Labour bag

A clean T-shirt or front-opening nightie, dressing gown and slippers - plus bed socks if you have a tendency to get cold feet
Drinks and snacks for you and whoever's going to be with you
A small facial sponge, for dabbing and sucking on
Body oil, fine talcum powder or lotion for back rubs
Music tapes/CDs and a battery-operated player
A hairband and brush, soap, towel and flannel, toothbrush and paste, other toiletries as desired
Maternity pads (night-time sanitary pads will do) and knickers
Keep a water spray in the fridge until you leave for hospital. It's great for gentle cool-downs during labour.
You might also want to take a camera or camcorder. Check with the hospital first, as some units don't allow filming.

Hospital bag
A front-opening nightie (easier for breastfeeding)
Comfy clothes (such as a tracksuit and T-shirts)
Sandals or easy-fitting footwear
Nickers and maternity pads for heavy bleeding after birth
Nursing bras (at least two, as you can get sweaty in hospital and if your milk comes early your bra may get wet)
Towels (take one or two - your partner can bring in extras if you're required to stay longer)
Toiletries and cosmetics
Breast pads (to absorb leaks of colostrum and milk)
Phone card/coins (you can't use mobile phones in hospital)
Magazines and books
Writing materials
Personal music player/radio
Biscuits and snacks
Favourite breakfast cereal
Favourite tea bags
Fruit juice/mineral water
Nightie and nappies for the baby

Fairly extensive isn't it! Exhausting just looking at it! Any suggestions of things of things to add or things on the list to just totally disregard are welcome.

I will get round to it very soon. One more full day of work and two half days and then me and the hospital bag will get intimate and make ourselves best friends.

Right now though... time for bed. Along with a packed Hospital bag I need all the sleep I can get.


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