Sleepy head
I love my daughter more and more each day and she is just getting cuter and cuter. Watching her develop and discover new things. The latest excitement or scoring high on the cute factor scale is that she now sucks her thumb! And when I say suck I'm not talking a nice gentle motion I'm talking suction people like one of these new vacuum cleaners that can suck back stuff that's been hidden for years. I'm a little scared she may actually loose a useful digit if she carries on in this vain! I've been trying to upload a video of her sucking her thumb but Blogger is not being very cooperative so I'll have to try again another day.
On the topic of sleep. Nope she's not sleeping through the night yet and I'm not even sure if we're close but I'm not too worried about it really. I can handle waking up once a night and so I'll treasure the middle of the morning snuggles for as long as they last and I will look forward to the first 8hrs sleep I get.
I'm wondering if Abbey will sleep better once she's in a room of her own. Or more so if we will sleep better. I am a light sleeper and so i do tend to wake straight away when Abbey gizzles or stirs so it might be better for me if I'm not so close to hear these noises. We'll see.
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