Monday, November 26, 2007

Poor Baby

Today I stared into my baby girls eyes and had so much love for her that my heart was melting and I started to cry. She was looking at me with her big hazel eyes and smiling and then just starring at me as I cuddled her little body.

She's a strong little girl. This weekend she has picked up a bug and has been vomiting. And yet she's not grouchy with it, she hasn't been crying she's just been vomiting and wanting cuddles and I'm ever so happy to oblige. But gosh it's still hard to watch her when she's sick and her poor little body is rejecting the milk she suckled just an hour earlier.

I've called the doctor and he's said if she's still not well to take her in tomorrow morning. I'm hoping and praying seeing as dinner seemed to stay down that she will be better in the morning.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Back on the Bottle!

Well it's taken a lot of perseverance and persistance but I think we might have made it! I've been encouraging Abbey to take the bottle again by expressing partial feeds during the day to try and get her to take the bottle and today she finally took it.

As it turns out it might have had something to do with the flow of the teat. I finally found a size 2 teat and so bought it and thought we may as well give it ago. The guidelines say that from three months the size 3 teat is suitable but it appears that the flos is too much.

Anyway the footage says it all...


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Jolly Jumping

Abbey has always had very good head control and she really loves being on her feet and so we've tried her in the Jolly Jumper a few times now and I think she's slowly getting the hang of it.

Here's a wee snippet