Saturday, June 30, 2007

Midwife Visit

This latest midwife visit could perhaps be the last before we welcome our little one into the world. Not because things are particularly progressing but because things have been going so well that they don't feel that I need to be seen unless I go beyond the due date (Please God no) and they need to come and sweep the membranes to get things irritated and set off labour.

So I had the usual once over. Blood pressure all good. I told her of the events of last week and how there had been no changes over the last week. She examined my belly and said the reason why this has most likely been the case is that the baby is lying Occiput Posterior (OP) or sunny side up!

Here's a little info from the ever informative Internet

The 'occiput anterior' position is ideal for birth - it means that the baby is lined up so as to fit through your pelvis as easily as possible. The baby is head down, facing your back, with his back on one side of the front of your tummy. In this position, the baby's head is easily 'flexed', ie his chin tucked onto his chest, so that the smallest part of his head will be applied to the cervix first.

The 'occiput posterior' (OP) position is not so good. This means the baby is still head down, but facing your tummy. Mothers of babies in the 'posterior' position are more likely to have long and painful labours as the baby usually has to turn all the way round to facing the back in order to be born. He cannot fully flex his head in this position.

If your baby is in the occiput posterior position in late pregnancy, he may not engage (descend into the pelvis) before labour starts. The fact that they don't engage means that it's harder for labour to start naturally, so they are more likely to be 'late'.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So that's where we're at. If the baby had been in the right position it is likely that labour would have kicked off by now because the cervix is fully effaced and ready to dilate.

So what to do. Well the midwife said that although the baby is quite low there is still enough room for bubs to get jiggy with it and turn into the right position. She suspects that once that position is found then the increase in pressure will set things off.

She has given me exercises to do for as long as I can as many times a day as I can tolerate. I've got to get down on my hands and knees and sway my hips or sit straddling a chair leaning forward so as to open up the pelvis and give the baby room to turn. Or I can kneel and lean against the Swiss Ball. No more couch as the slumped/slouched position just encourages the baby to chill back facing my tummy.

I have done as she said all yesterday afternoon/ evening and to some degree things do feel different when I'm in those positions but whether it has/will turn the baby I'm not sure. The only way I will probably be able to tell is an increase of pressure on my pelvis.

I have read that really this process can take a few days and the exercises may not be enough for baby to turn. Spontaneous rotation to the anterior position occurs in 90% of cases so there is hope it's just that labour may take a while to get started.

We already feel like we're overdue!

So I've been doing some stern talking to our child saying that it really would help everyone concerned if he/she made the move into the right position. Prayer is also figuring in here quite a bit. We know that God has the perfect hour ordained for the arrival of our child but we can still do all that we can to make that arrival a little smoother. I for one do not wish to endure a drawn out painful labour.

So wait with us. Perhaps we will be waiting until the 5th after all.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Week 39

Well I've just done a count and so far BOY entries outnumber GIRLs by 13 - 5!

Another day dawns and it's a beautiful one today. The sun has decided to shine so I have decided to get some washing done before the rain sets in. Hopefully it will stay away altogether though.

I got Ryan to pump up the Swiss ball last night because it was getting a bit soft - must mean I'm getting a bit heavy!

I've found the Swiss ball quite comfy to use. A girl from work recommended I get one to bounce about on during these last few weeks before the birth. During pregnancy it is recommended because it helps promote pelvic mobility through swaying, circling and rocking movements which also encourages the baby to move into the optimal position for birth (that's what we want!)

Swiss balls, or birthing balls as they call them at the hospital are commonly used during labour these days too. Whether you have it on the bed or on the floor it has proved useful in finding comfortable positions. This then encourages relaxation and mobility of the pelvis to facilitate the descent of the baby. Sitting on the ball supports you in a good, upright position for birth, with the pelvis open. Tilting forward or leaning over the ball whilst kneeling helps to relieve backache and allows massage of the lower back - that's where Ryan comes in!

So we've got this one here at home so that when I/we do go into labour we can hopefully find those nice relaxing, pelvic opening positions!

We recently purchased the essential nappy bucket!
Not much point having the cloth nappies if you can't soak them. I was thinking the other day that I had better take to the whole cloth nappy thing well. It is going to be a bit of a task but at the end of the day it is helping make this world a better place for our little one. Advice given by the midwife at the hospital antenatal class was to start using them asap. While in hospital they use disposables and so she recommended getting started with the cloth nappies as soon as we get home otherwise we might be inclined to not be bothered.

Right well I've done enough bouncing and enough looking at this computer screen. Time for a walk. Ryan and I went for about a 45min walk last night at about 7:30pm when the sun finally decided to come out and the rain had stopped. I felt really good getting the blood flowing a little more. I'm keen for another dose so I'm off. And if it brings on labour....



Tuesday, June 26, 2007

38 Weeks + 5

I'm this BIG!

Right well I've been a bit slack for the last couple of weeks. Not exactly sure what I've been doing to be honest. There is an abundance of time now to do such things as blogging. And I must say it is nice to get emails asking me what's up because the blog hasn't been updated lately.

So firstly Week 38 started off with a rather big event...
I turned 25!!! I made it to a quarter century! YAY!

This is kinda significant for me when it comes to the impending parenthood. Sometime ago after entering my 'adult years', (some would question whether I actually have reached these in maturity but that's another blog - probably one my husband would enjoy writing) -anyway I digress..... Sometime ago I decided that I really would like to be a mum by the time I was 25yrs old. I'd decided that firstly by this time I would have met 'Mr Right', secondly that my body would be in good shape and in near peak condition to take on pregnancy and thirdly that I would have had a chance to work for a couple of years and decide whether I really did want to have children at 25.
So as it turned out I did find Mr Right - or did he find me? and in due course we decided that we'd quite like to spend the rest of our lives together. I was 22 going on 23 when we got married - best thing I ever did!

I've done my best to keep in shape. Ryan has definitely helped keep me motivated with this department. I definitely still struggle with it but have realised that as he says I have to want to do it for myself and find something I enjoy doing. Despite wanting to look in shape for him I need to find the motivation in me.

In the work department I think to be fair and honest I'm not quite where I wanted to be. I would have liked to have done some further study perhaps started on a masters. I had the opportunity to do so in NZ but then we decided that we both were keen as anything to explore the world and there's plenty of years to study but in terms of doing some travelling on our own there weren't so many years available.

So I found myself thinking about these things the day I turned 25 and came away quite happy with where I'm at in life and stoked that this baby is on the way.

We will be able to climb mountains together, bike mountain tracks, run, perhaps even enter some races, hang out, travel and hopefully be good friends. And then as Ryan and I age hopefully we will have that second wind at enjoying the travel... just the two of us.
So that was Monday.

Tuesday - The much talked about Hospital Bag was made complete with the purchase of nursing bras!!! woohooo! oh how smashing! Actually they're not that bad really. Don't worry I'm not going to go overboard and post pics of them. They're comfy and will do the trick and God and baby willing I will pull off this breastfeeding thing and they will be money well spent.

Thursday - Midwife Appointment. Pretty uneventful really. BP 110/60. Baby still head down, bum up - still active. Baby's heart heard beating that's always nice. I'd had one headache and there was a bit of protein in my urine and so the midwife decided she wanted me to be seen on the weekend. So I was to expect a phone call re that.

That night I had some quite sharp pains and did wonder whether they were contractions. I tried to keep sleeping and did nod off but they eventually disappeared. Good thing I didn't wake Ryan.

Friday - Felt quite noticably uncomfortable today really quite achy so when the midwife rang I just asked her about it. She said that she thought I should go in and see the GP just in case I had an infection. So I got an appointment. Saw the GP who thought it wasn't an infection that i was definitely tender there but thought I should go for further assessment at the Maternity Assessment Unit just in case...

So I came home and told Ryan. It was about 6pm by this stage and having worked in a hospital on an assessment unit I decided we should definitely get some food into us becasue we could have a wait ahead of us. Put the bags in the car and made our way there. It was a bit of a test run for Ryan in the car and I was quite amused by the fact that he managed to take the wrong round-a-bout. But to be fair he was probably on auto pilot a bit from many days picking me up from work. We would have got there eventually.

At the assessment unit they hooked me up to a monitor and I had a button I was to press whenever I felt the baby's movements. Sat there for about 30mins with that going, pondering what (if anything) may be going on within this body of mine. The midwife came and had a look at the reading and asked if I had any pain - I didn't. She said "because you are having contractions" - "oh" I had noticed tightening but I guess I relate contractions with a little more discomfort than what I was experiencing. She took my observations - all fine. Then after a bit more of a wait the Doctor came and saw me and decided to examine me. This to her surprise and ours revealed that I was 100% effaced (= the cervix had flattened right out) and 1cm dilated. She said she could feel the baby's head very low.

Wow! So that was exciting but what exactly did it mean? Well both the doc and the midwife seemed to think that we would be back on the labour suite in the very near future like that weekend!!!!

FAR OUT!!! We're having a baby!!!! We bounced our little excited selves out of there and went home to prepare for this big arrival.... sometime soon.....

As you can see it is now TUESDAY NIGHT! That's a whole 4 days since we were at the hospital and absolutely nothing has happened!! I wish that they hadn't said anything now. I had already started to feel like I was in 'waiting' mode and the last few days have been even more so. So I'm trying to just switch off and go back to thinking that we're heading for the 5th July - although I do hope that it's not going to be that long.

We're almost up to Week 39 and so unless our bugalugs does arrive I won't have much to report between now and when the midwife is coming to visit this friday.

Keep the entries coming in for gender, arrival date and birth weight it is keeping me amused.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week 37

Ok so I know that this is a bit late but there you go I'm a busy non working woman now.. I don't have time to update my blog!

So this is a side on pic from week 37 over a week ago now.

My belly is certainly big!

No changes noticed really. I keep up the belly rubbing keeping it moisturised in the hope of keeping stretch marks at bay. There are some showing round my belly bottun now as it all gets stretched out that little bit more.

Friday 15th - Met the other women from Ante-natal group. We thought only one of them had had her baby but then Michelle turned up with her baby boy! He was born on the 9th but not due till the 26th June! So he was pretty small. I think about 6lb 30z. So so so cute and the little precious slept for the three hours we were there. The difference was incredible between him and the other baby who was now three weeks old and weighing around 8lb. There's a big difference between 6 and 8lb!

We all met at 2:30pm at a local cafe and I didn't expect that we'd be there long with the tired new mums and babies but we didn't really have a choice in the end and didn't leave till 5:30pm because the weather was so aweful.

There was torrential downpour after downpour, thunder and lightening, the streets started flooding and there was just no way we were going out in that rain. Especially the mums with with babes and prams to get into cars that were a little walk away in the local carpark. So it was a great excuse for more coffee and chats.

I've got to say that there's nothing better than hearing first hand experience when it comes to labour. Some people tell you not to listen because every labour is different but I know this and it was just nice to have others to ask about all the little questions that had been floating round in our heads. Hearing what it was like when labour kciked off etc. Both mums babes and dads were home within 6 hrs of giving birth which i think was fab. I think we will do that if I'm comfortable with breastfeeding.

They both seemed to be doing really well which was great to see.

So now as we've reached 37 weeks this pregnancy is considered Full Term! Wooohooo that means this little one is ready enough to handle life outside the womb. So when ever you're ready bubs ...
According to Baby Centre - a great source of knowlegde the baby probably weighs a little over 6 pounds at this point and measures between 19 and 20 inches, head to heel.

GREAT! sounds like a good time to exit!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So what's the verdict?

When will I arrive and how much will I weigh?
Place your bids today for the chance to win
an all expenses self paid trip to Nottingham England
Staying at the exclusive Monastra Resort!
To enter this competition email us or leave a comment.
Winner will be announced on PLUS ONE post baby arrival.

Lady of Leisure

Well at least for a time anyway!

Today I got my first sleep in for a while. Lately even on the weekends we've had to get up to get some things done. It felt so good to not be woken by my alarm clock at 5:45am. Although I did get up three times last night. Up until now I've been quite proud of my bladder for holding out but last night i was up at 2:30am, 4:30am and 6:30am! What's with that! Perhaps I was well hydrated after all.

My last day at work was fairly busy but we found time to nibble on some morning tea treats together. I was due to finish at 1:30pm so took a late lunch break. A couple of my colleagues had already given me/baby/Ryan gifts that morning and so I was totally blown away when, while on my lunch break, they appeared with this!

A huge basket, over flowing with loads of goodies! Outfits, soft toys, creams, wipes, smells, nappies, knitted cardigans and jumpers. Because it was so full I only skimmed the surface of it while I was at work. I thought it would be nice to go through it together with Ryan once we were home.

Our baby has so many clothes now! Thankfully most of the outfits from work peeps are for 3-6mths and beyond so will last the distance. I have heard so many tales of babies getting the most gorgeous clothes and not even wearing them because they're either born too big in the first place or they grow so fast that they don't have time to wear them. With bubs being born in summer and with a trip to Italy and Croatia scheduled I'm not sure our little one is going to be wearing much clothing.

Needless to say the generosity of others continues to overwhelm us.

So for my first day as a lady of leisure I have done the following:

Got up at 1030am

Washed, showered and breakfasted.

Walked to hair dresser and enjoyed a nice hair wash and cut care of Emma who was somewhat surprised at how much I had grown since she had last seen me. Truth be told it had been a good three months and a lot happens in that time!

Wandered to Boots and had a browse - bought some steriliser sachets for the bottles that we have kindly donated with bottle wash kit by Diane and Ron. After that I stopped in at a health shop and picked up some raspberry leaf tea - I'm allowed to drink it now to get the uterus in shape. It's quite safe from 36 weeks onward.

I stopped in at Ryan's work briefly but didn't see the man himself. Continued to wander home.

Made it home. Sat down, had a drink.

Been blogging and playing with photos for a few hours.

Went for another wander to meet Ryan to deliver some paperwork he needed.

And now I'm back home, have had some lunch and am about to depart again to go and collect our car from the garage. Hopefully this will be the last time it is there for a while. We've had to get a few things fixed but the guy seems to think it will last us a while longer yet. Here's hoping!

Once I've collected the car I will come home and have a lie down on the new comfy sofa - a great investment!

As for tomorrow.... I have no plans. I'm thinking book + sun = relaxing day.

Until then.

Big loves from me and the 'bucking bumpo' - the latest name for our child (care of it's papa)whose favourite pass time appears to be kickboxing - 20 points for the ribs, 10 for organs and 5 for anywhere that gets mum squirming!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hospital Bag/ Labour Bag/ THE BAG!

My boss was the first to ask and since then there has been a string of people - actually that's not true just my mum!- who have asked have you packed THE BAG yet?

The short answer - Nope.

I'm not putting it off as such, it's just one of those 'get round to it' jobs. I have started but according to this list I've found online it's far from complete. Mainly because I need to buy a few things and secondly because I'm still using some of the things I want to take

Labour bag

A clean T-shirt or front-opening nightie, dressing gown and slippers - plus bed socks if you have a tendency to get cold feet
Drinks and snacks for you and whoever's going to be with you
A small facial sponge, for dabbing and sucking on
Body oil, fine talcum powder or lotion for back rubs
Music tapes/CDs and a battery-operated player
A hairband and brush, soap, towel and flannel, toothbrush and paste, other toiletries as desired
Maternity pads (night-time sanitary pads will do) and knickers
Keep a water spray in the fridge until you leave for hospital. It's great for gentle cool-downs during labour.
You might also want to take a camera or camcorder. Check with the hospital first, as some units don't allow filming.

Hospital bag
A front-opening nightie (easier for breastfeeding)
Comfy clothes (such as a tracksuit and T-shirts)
Sandals or easy-fitting footwear
Nickers and maternity pads for heavy bleeding after birth
Nursing bras (at least two, as you can get sweaty in hospital and if your milk comes early your bra may get wet)
Towels (take one or two - your partner can bring in extras if you're required to stay longer)
Toiletries and cosmetics
Breast pads (to absorb leaks of colostrum and milk)
Phone card/coins (you can't use mobile phones in hospital)
Magazines and books
Writing materials
Personal music player/radio
Biscuits and snacks
Favourite breakfast cereal
Favourite tea bags
Fruit juice/mineral water
Nightie and nappies for the baby

Fairly extensive isn't it! Exhausting just looking at it! Any suggestions of things of things to add or things on the list to just totally disregard are welcome.

I will get round to it very soon. One more full day of work and two half days and then me and the hospital bag will get intimate and make ourselves best friends.

Right now though... time for bed. Along with a packed Hospital bag I need all the sleep I can get.

"Pregnancy suits you"

Well those are the words of the midwife today... and I don't think I would disagree with her.

I have had and am having a wonderful pregnancy. It started off well and has gotten better as the months have gone by and now this journey is almost over. I have wondered if, what many women have said to me is true - "you grieve for your pregnancy". Such a concept seemed all a bit strange to me initially but now I think maybe I understand how it can be so. Pregnancy after all is a very intimate process. As the body undergoes physical changes like it never has before the mind is also thrown into a spin of thoughts and questions. The emotions are mostly stable but certainly resemble the motion of a yo yo at times - full credit and a certificate of achievement to Ryan for so graciously living through what mood swings I have had. And then once the movement starts you really start to realise that there really IS a body in there. You are not only looking after yourself but you are the lifeline to another person.

The child within me is relying on me for everything it needs to live. From hormonal balance, to nourishment for growth I am provider and deliverer and some days it is somehow easy to forget that.

I hope our baby has enjoyed the journey from within. I hope bubs hasn't minded my singing, my talking, my groaning, my poking and prodding.

Today as we waited in the reception area at the doctors there was another pregnant woman there looking radiant and enjoying the company of her toddler, and there was a mum who arrived with what looked like a fairly new baby. And I couldn't help but think how truly beautiful new life is. The whole room felt as though it was drawn into the wonder and awe of it. We all gazed at this little one, distracted from our conversations because new life really is just SO MAGICAL! MYSTICAL! WONDERFUL!

And I couldn't help but think of you baby. I couldn't help but wonder what you will look like and the way in which you will so easily mesmerise us. I couldn't help but look at Ryan, your wonderful papa and think how more than grateful I am to God for the gift that he is and this journey we're sharing together.

Four weeks from today we hope to meet you in the flesh. Four weeks from today.... WOW.

Today's Visit
BP 127/80 - that's because we power walked there! My legs simply do not move as fast as they used to no matter how much I want them to. And although I refuse to admit that I'm waddling, when I try to speed up I certainly feel awkward.

Fundal height: 34cm - should be 36cm but the midwife isn't too worried. If it's still behind at the visit in two weeks then they may send us for a scan. It's likely that we're just having a little baby.

Relation to Brim: 4/5 = the top part of the head is in the pelvis.

Still head down: Don't I know it! Can feel bubs' little butt up by my ribs on the right and feet and heels getting well aquainted with the left side of my abdomen!

Baby's heart heard loud and clear.

Bloods taken to check my iron levels - fairly sure I'm not anaemic.

Next check up: 21st June.