Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The latest

A very original title for this blog entry I know. My mind is a little jelly like. I've just woken from napping along with Abbey in the heat of the day. It has done me a world of good the days I've made myself do it. Not to mention the relief my body sighs when I go and hibernate in the air con environment for a couple of hours. I must try and continue to do so when number two arrives (which is hopefully very soon).

Speaking of number two... I've been contemplating for some time how to address the transportation issue. As in: will we need to trade in the mountain buggy for something double friendly or somehow can we make it work with one in the sling and Abbey in the pram. Well the heat here has convinced me that the less time there's a babe up against my body the better for us both. So I've been on the look out for a toddler seat compatible with the MB. I wasn't having much luck and then my sister saw this Steelcraft one at a Salvation Army Family Store. So I went and checked it out and low and behold with a slight adjustment to the MB it fits and it fits safe and securely!! And guess how much it cost... $10!!! BARGAIN!! And better still Abbey loves it! We'll need to buy a little parasol umbrella so that she can get some shade rising high like that but the babe will still be nice and shaded with plenty of airflow.

Abbey is absolutely loving swimming. Now with her floatie vest on she's able to 'swim' around the pool on her own. With me there of course Despite it being stinking hot here in Cairns and being pregnant on top of that we've still managed to get out a little. definitely the exploring has not been as frequent but recently when away for a Christmas doo weekend we got to go for a couple of walks. The day we drove up to Youngabarra we had a lovely lunch at Lake Barrine a fabulous spot.Abbey particularly enjoyed Ryan's milkshake!

We went for a very short walk while there to see two large Kauri trees. Look at that pregnant belly! There was no info about how old they were but no doubt centuries.
On one of the walks we did Abbey seemed determined to walk by herself, despite not having shoes and the ground being rocky and rooty. She must be tougher than us because she coped just fine. Here's a few shots from a walk we did to a crater and a couple of small waterfalls just out of Atherton.

Perhaps our last family self portrait before number two arrives!

Walking with dad.I can do it on my own though!

The joy of living in a tropical climate is although it is very hot there's still the ability to get out and be sheltered beneath the rain forest.

Friday, November 07, 2008

I like to Rock!

Whether it's to music..
On a swing...

On a see-saw...

Or on a horse...one thing is for certain. Abbey likes to rock!

It's Official....

I've now spent the longest time away from Abbey since she was born! All 16mths ago!

This morning was not your typical one in our household. Granted Abbey still woke up on the dot of 7am (no alarm clock required here) but Ryan didn't go to work and Abbey didn't go to her gymbaroo session. We all had our breakfast together out on the verander which has become the enjoyable norm and Abbey helped Ryan water the plants as is their special father-daughter daily routine. She came to me with three freshly plucked cherry tomatoes and delight on her face. I graciously accepted this fruitful offering but obviously they weren't for keeps and it seemed were just for me to admire before returning into her little budding gardener hands. Gosh I love her. And gosh I love what Ryan is instilling in her in showing her dedication and TLC produce something beautiful. I have much to learn and put into action myself.

After the washing was put out for the day, the dishes done and a little tidy up we were all dripping from the heat - may I add that it's only 9am by this point! - we all went for a swim. So so glad that we're able to stretch the budget a little to afford to rent this house with a pool. Yesterday I was in it on three separate occassions. Instant relief from this 30C+ heat and seems to be so much more satisfying and refreshing than jumping in the shower. Abbey is coming along amazingly well I think in the swimming department. She's got so confident now and is holding her breath really well under the water. She loves going back and forward between Ryan and I both skimming across the top of and under the water. I would love to take her to infant swimming classes but they are on the expensive side and so the books and our own pool and lots of pool time will suffice. Seeing as when no.2 arrives it will be even hotter (God help us!) hopefully we can all get in the pool and we can start the next munchkin off even younger. From what I'ver read the younger the better it seems.

Anyway back to today. After the swim it was dressed and Abbey's lunch made and final checks before making our way to the airport. Abbey and Ryan were off to NZ. Are off... are presently most likely boarding their flight from Brisbane to Wgtn. And yes I'm here in Cairns and this is the longest ever that I've been apart from my daughter.

It's all a bit strange really.

My routine is not required.

I can eat when I like, swim when I want, read when I want.

I can stay up late knowing that tomorrow there's a garuntee of a sleep in - unless my body is cruel to me and it's 7am wake up is so engrained now that i will wake up then regardless.

And you know all this is great but...

I miss them both already.

My life is so about the two people I love.

Ryan is my star. He was just saying yesterday how his favourite time of day is first thing in the morning when we three are all piled in bed together after Abbey joins us. We laugh and we smile and we gaze on our daughter as she blows raspberries on her bump of a brother or sister. And feel delighted yet exhausted before even getting out of bed having been used as a jungle gym. It is absolutely delightful.

I would second that and also add that my other favourite time is at the end of the day when he comes home. Abbey hears the back to click and looks at me with her big eyes. And I say "who's that?" "Is it dada?" and she runs to the back door and on seeing him - often sweaty and hot after biking home - she has the biggest grin on her face and just wants him to pick her up. Makes me all emotional just thinking about it.

So they're gone for the weekend. It is indeed a fleeting visit. Ryan was needing to go home on business and Abbey wasn't going to cost a thing. So as a wee treat for our daughter the socialite and for her Grandma and Grandpa especially the Monastra side who haven't seen her for 8mths we decided it was worth it. I'll probably be the only one with separation anxiety and Ryan may have it a little tough for a few hours on the plane.

I'm excited for them all and grateful for some reflective time to myself. There's 4 weeks to go till we meet no.2bie maybe more... maybe less... and i'm trying to savour the moments and think of the change and I think i've not allowed myself enough down time, me time to do that.

So speaking of which. It's time for some dinner and dvd's!

Here's to motherhood and the absolute blessing and challenge that it is. And here's to dad's, in particular my husband who is there for me all the time and who enriches my daughters life one hundred fold.