Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Friends are like Flowers

I was reminded as we were walking with friends in Wollaton Park of a song I learnt as a child. I have an uncanny ability to remember childhood songs as Ryan will account for. Today it was...

Friends are like flowers, Beautiful flowers
Friends are like Flowers in the garden of life.
Are you a Daisy? Are you a Rose? Are you a Dandilion?
You can be what you are and I'll be what I am
We can be friends in the garden of life.

A silly little song from when I was about 7yrs old and yet very true.

Abbey has a bunch of lovely friends and today we spent the afternoon with one of them. Not Daisy or Poppy or Rose but Rosie.

Rosie is turning 1 next week and she is a delight. She and Abbey seem to get on well as do we with her parents Andy and Jess who are good fun to be around.

So today we went to the park and had a lot of fun and laughter with our darling little girls.

Here's some candid moments captured.

Playing Ball

Congratulating each other on their great ball skills with a high five

Abbey trying to stop Rosie from escaping just yet

All of us with Wollaton Hall in the background

Mummy and Daddy's Little Girl

You little child light up our world

Like a beam of light finding its way into every corner of our hearts

You fill us with Joy, with Love, with Laughter and with Thanksgiving

You little child who light up our world

You are just so loved.

The Latest and Greatest

Well more time has passed and there's been more growth in our little girl. She sure is getting heavy and putting on the pounds a little to give herself that nice plump baby look.

She has two bottom teeth now which has both excited me and brought me to tears - yes I've been bitten and it is not nice at all! It's happened a few times now and so I'm trying to 'disipline' her by quickly taking her off and saying "No Abbey" and all she does is give me the big joker grin!! Haven't managed to get a pic of her teeth yet becasue she just pokes out her tongue so I'll keep trying.Abbey at dinner time in her fab plastic bib
She's not quite moving yet but has worked out how to get herself up on all fours and jig about. There is a sense of reassurance in knowing that she will not move when I put her down and have my back turned at the moment but I'm on guard knowing that that could change anytime.

I've found lately that Abbey and I are starting to speak the same language. I feel like just in the last few weeks I've really tuned into her and can tell the difference more in some of the different noises she makes giving me more of a clue in what she wants. Like "up!" I say it to her everytime I got to pick her up holding my hands own to her and getting her to lift her hands up to me to show me that that is what she wants. And now she has definitely started making an 'uh' noise when she wants picking up. And there's another noise she makes when she wants help but I can't remember what it is.

Past-times: There's a bunch of things that abbey appears to enjoy in life. In no particular order.

1. Spending time with mum and dad - OF COURSE

2. Listening to the sound of her own voice - or should I say squeel!

3. Being read to.

4. Swimming - She loves the water and likes being on her front kicking her legs. She does forget sometimes that if she dips her head she will swallow a mouthful of water so we have the odd cough and splutter but she doesn't seem to mind. Ryan recently came to the Parent and Toddler session with us at the pool. He felt a little out of place being the only adult male. But said he got the feeling that some of the little boys appreciated the boost in testosterone that he contributed to the group. haha. He learnt the words to a few more nursary rhymes that morning, or more to the point that he did not know most of them!

6. Holding onto her feet

7. Having a naked bum =P

8. Playing peek-a-boo

9. Looking at herself in the mirror - I wonder where she gets that from??

10. Smiling - surprisingly especially in the mornings - which she doesn't get from us!! but does infect us.

11. Bathtime! - I only need to turn the light on in the bathroom at bathtime and she's kicking her legs and making excited little noises.

12. Sleeping - most of the time anyway.