Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One week on...

...and we're doing ok!

Now in the mornings it's four in the bed and that's delightful. Abbey snuggles up next to Lucy sometimes planting a kiss or two on her little cheeks and then devours her morning milk.

As you can see in this photo Lucy is looking a little jaundice but that's on it's way out now that milk is through and she's flushing out the system with it's goodness.
I've been trying to involve Abbey when I can and at least make sure she can see what I'm doing with Lucy. She was more than happy to help with bath time the other night which was very cute. She did her best to ensure that Lucy had a squeaky clean tummy.

Catching some Z's with dad.

Here's Lucy at one week old sound asleep. And no the blankets aren't because Cairns is going through a cold snap! It's been pretty hot and so we've had the air con on. She's been sleeping well and feeding well and doing all things well thus far! Last night she slept from 1030pm-330am-6am

Ryan is back at work now but it's been fab to have him home and I felt this morning that I was ready to go solo. Abbey has really enjoyed having him here. They've had lots of fun together in the pool getting up to all sorts or crazy things and just having a blast of a time really! Her swimming continues to come along amazingly. She now likes to go on her tummy with her face in the water 'swimming' without using her arms (hasn't quite grasped their use when swimming yet) with her head in the water, blowing bubbles with her eyes open!!
One handedTwo!
Great to see the father-daughter relationship flourishing. She wasn't too happy at nap time the other day when he had to go into work for the arvo and cried which is both sweet and a little difficult as there was nothing i could do. In the end I got her up for a while and then she went back to bed a little later. Abbey looking like a true Pom in her Man U outfit we bought for her a very long time ago and which finally fits! Amazing what you find when you clear out the wardrobe! Her football skills certainly need some work but I reckon she looks pretty darn cute in that gear!
Right time to feed!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

She's Arrived!!

Lucy Emma Monastra!
Born 9:23pm Tuesday 9th Dec
Cairns Base Hospital

8lb 2oz

She has hair!

And is long! 54cm.

And Abbey thinks she's just wonderful.

For more go to http://www.meznmo.blogspot.com/

Saturday, December 06, 2008

'D' day

Yep gosh it's here again.

Our due date has arrived but unfortunately as yet there's no 'D' for delivery. It is in sight... well it better be! This baby can only cook for so long.

I can understand it wanting to stay away from this tropical heat but I'm sorry that is just not a good enough excuse for this perspiring mumma. 34C and air so thick you feel like you're breathing though woolly tramping socks (that was just the first thought that entered my pregnant brain) is getting a little trying. I realise summer hasn't even got to it's worst yet. I'm trying not to think about that but surely with this baby out I will be a little bit cooler.... surely.... dear God please!

Anyway so in celebration of D day and because we've not done any week by week photos of this expanding belly and growing newbie. This is me. In my glorious glowing (because I'm so freakin hot!) 40 week pregnant state.

Next update hopefully an abundance of newborn photos!

Monday, December 01, 2008

It's getting hot in here!

North Queensland heat is setting in. Humidity is on the rise and with it the battle to find comfort in the heat. Nap time hasn't been going down so well and I can totally understand why. It's just not easy to sleep when everything is sticking to you. Fans help yes but they don't quite cut the mustard.

We found Abbey the other night after already moving her bed so that it was under the fan more perched on the end of her bed obviously having found the spot that allowed her to find rest.

Poor thing. Just look at her! Needless to say we've decided that it's time to aircon. You just can't acclimatise to this heat. We only have aircon in two rooms of the house and so we'll move her into the bedroom that has it (we're in the other one). She needs her rest. I need her to rest. There's not point battling this heat when we have the luxury of not having to.