Saturday, February 17, 2007

20 Weeks! HALF WAY!!

Wow! We've made it to the half way mark - counting on bubs arriving bang on the due date that is. In a way it doesn't seem like it's taken us long to get here but thinking that there's 20 weeks to go seems a while.

Looking at our calander though there's plenty to keep us occupied between now and then.

Waist 93.5
Bust 94.5
Weight 69kg

This coming week we have our detailed scan. The current discussion is whether or not to find out if we're having a boy or a girl. Up until now we'd decided to keep it a surprise. You don't get too many big surprises in life. But Ryan thinks he really would like to know. For the father of the child within there isn't much they're able to do to feel connected to the baby really which makes it hard. Knowing whether it's a boy or a girl gets some sort of connection established and I so I understand where he's coming from. It's not that I don't want to know it just that it will be exciting to find out on the day. But I get to experience lots of other exciting (and not so exciting..) things which make me feel connected with this baby everyday. With our detailed scan I think we're both going to be curiously observing the screen to see for indications of the sex of our baby. I don't think I could settle for Ryan knowing and me not knowing. And there's no way that he would be able to keep it a secret from me for the next 20 weeks! So we'll see... I imagine if we DO find out we won't be able to contain ourselves and will let you all in on the secret.

I feel like we've had a bit of a growth spurt this week. I've been tired again and also had a day at work when I wasn't feeling that flash and was with a patient and started to feel faint and nauseated. BP was fine. But i just wasn't feeling grand at all. Had a little lie down in the staff room but my manager came in and said to go home. I insisted I just needed a rest but she insisted. So I caught a taxi home and put myself to bed. I had a great sleep inbetween the phone ringing. Our home phone doesn't ring often at all and so I've never bothered taking it off the hook. Even when I was doing night shifts but today it kept ringing! A couple of times it was the Real Estate Agent ringing about references as we've found a new two bedroom flat to rent. Another time it was an automated message from some phone company. And two other times I didn't answer it. Despite all this I did manage to get some sleep but still woke feeling very tired and worn out.

There's a couple of pairs of trousers that are definitely tighter too. I had a pair that have been loose on me for a long time and pre baby days I really had to wear a belt with them to keep them up. BUT NOW... I can only just do them up! Can't really afford to be buying new trou at the moment and I'm a bit worried that in the next month I'm going to expand greatly and I don't want to buy clothes and grow out of them in 4-6weeks. Might see if I can find those things that you insert into your trou so you can keep wearing your old pairs for as long as possible.

I can still feel baby moving... infact right this instant! Little tingles erupt and I feel that little movement down there. I'm noticing it most when I'm sitting still or lying on the couch. Pretty cool indeed.

So yeah in light of this litte one joining the scene and in light of the fact that our one bedroom apartment is just not big enough we decided we needed to make a move. Over the last few weeks we've been scanning the paper and the internet for two bedroom furnished flats. It's been a bit of a long search mainly because many of the places had very minimal furnishings. We were willing to buy things like a bed and other furniture if the rent was low enough but most weren't. But good things come to those who wait and we've found a place. Paid the deposit and now we're just waiting for our references to be accepted and for the move in date of 18th March. It's a two bedroom place in another part of town and it's quite nice. Small kitchen, large lounge, conservatory, back yard!, upstairs are two bedrooms and the bathroom. The 2nd bedroom will just fit a single bed but will be perfect for baby. There's various furnishings with the place which is more than we'd found at any of the flats, it's in a nice area and practically right outside the front door there's a huge park which will be wonderful in summer for just lying in the sun! So we're excited about that. It will also be great that it will probably only take us a morning to move rather than a whole day cos we just don't have stuff! This is probably the way to live really. We're looking forward to the change aswell, though there's nothing at all wrong where we currently are. Change = new beginning.

Went for a run this morning with Ryan. He took the long route and I took the short route. And I got to say although it took a little bit to get into the rhythm of things it felt really good to be moving! Been slobbing around for all of winter and my body has missed the exercise. We went for a really nice walk together the other night too so will try and keep that up. It does help that the evenings are getting lighter now and it's not so cold. So here's to health and fitness in pregnancy!

And on that note I'm off to eat some choclate cake!! ha ha

Latest pic for you

Saturday, February 10, 2007

19 Weeks and You Move Me!

I've either convinced myself or this is in fact the real deal.

I'm sure this baby is moving!!! AND I CAN FEEL IT!!!

All day yesterday at work I kept feeling 'something' down there. I can't describe it. So many people say different things like - "it feels like butterflies" "it's like popcorn popping" "a goldfish swimming around"... They say all these things like you already know what the sensation of a goldfish swimming round i your belly would feel like!!!

So all I'm going to say is that it's pretty amazing. Each time I've felt this baby move it's sent this warm fuzzi through my veins. And I just wanna giggle at how utterly cool it is that this baby is having a good ol' time floating around in there!

The whole pregnancy experience is still a little surreal to be honest. The belly is growing but that is just leaving me feeling a little fat at the moment. However this movement, this awareness that there something more than just gas rumbling in my tum is something else! Oh to have Ryan experience it. Grow baby grow so that he can feel you moving.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cute Clothes

We were in Scotland last weekend and were making a stop at one of the tourist information places. As it turned out it was not open but much to Ryan's delight the sports shop next door was open and so we went in for a browse.

Well we emerged about an hour later having looked through loads of soccer gear with a little outfit that Ryan insisted me MUST buy for our child. Never mind if it's a boy or a girl, or the fact that it won't be able to fit into it until it's 9-12 months old. We had to buy it!

So we did. And I must admit it is kinda cute. Sam my nephew would love to play soccer against his new cousin in their soccer outfits I'm sure (we bought him one for his last birthday and he loved it). To be honest I can see a very cute little girl with pig tails in it.... or a boy. Either way gorgeous!

Also thanks to the Thomson Tribe who sent us a wee parcel in the mail. Love them! Thanks. They're soooo snuggly warm and soft! and Unisex!!! They have handy little feet bits too which can be folded over to cover the toes or folded up as cuffs.

So you know that we have yet to buy this child a single item of anything! Not one thing! Doesn't mean we're not excited about this baby I think initially I thought it was too early to buy anything, we're not supersticious about such things at all but it just didn't seem like we needed to jump in and start buying stuff. I have looked at lots of different outfits though and cute toys but have held off buying. Who knows how big or small this baby is going to be and if we go buy things now it might not fit him/her!

The fact does remain though that baby clothes are CUTE with a capital 'C' and daddy's who get all goo gaa over buying their baby clothes are just as cute!