Saturday, July 28, 2007

Video: Bottle Feeding with Dad

We've decided to introduce a bottle feed in the evening so that Ryan can have some time with Abbey and also so that I can go to bed a bit earlier and get some shut eye.
I wasn't too sure how she would find the teat but she has taken to it very well as you can see.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Video: Kick Time

Abbey enjoys a bit of a kick on the play mat.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Video: Sleep glorious sleep

"Good night, sleep tight, time for a lullaby
Dream sweet dreams, as the world goes by
Stars so bright shining down on you
Goodnight, sleep tight may all your dreams come true."

Bye Bye Bex

She arrived on our due date and had to endure the agonising wait for Abbey.

She was there when Abbey was born

And she has been an angel and great friend for the 10 days since then.

But today we had to farewell Bex. She's off on the next adventure of her life. On her way to a place called Borgen in Norway.

Bex it has been an amazing time, a blessed time and it was made all the more special by sharing it with you.

Thank you once again for everything you've done to help us as we go through this transition. For the melting moments and the magical moments (which you captured on camera at the birth), for the the chocolate cake, the dinners, for the washing, the cleaning up and the cuddling of Abbey. For the chats, the laughs, the deep thoughts, the tears. You are a great friend.

Self portrait of the three girls before Bex left (unfortunately we realised this afternoon we didn't get a single photo of the four of us =(

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Video: Time in Bed

Video: Little Miss


Hi there all

Well in what seems like the blink of an eye we have had Abbey in our presence for a week now.

It has been a magical week and I think it is slowly sinking in that this amazing little person is our daughter. We think she is beautiful and since joining us she has not ceased to bring a smile to our faces.

Not a day goes by that we don't marvel at her little features or spend an hour or four just staring at her wondering what is going through her little mind. Wondering what that cry might mean of if she's going to sleep a little bit longer tonight.

Despite the broken sleep we're coping and when she's screaming the house down at 5am every part of you just loves her through it.

Ryan has taken well to nappy changing and volunteers his sevices even when it's become evident that it's not going to be a pleasant experience.

It feels like we've packed a bit into week one. Perhaps a little to much but somethings really had to be done.

Number one on the list was getting Abbey registered as the birth certificate is needed for a few things. Our need in particular is a passport for her as we're going to be going on a 3 week holiday in August. The poor child is going to be stuck with a baby photo for 5 yrs on her British passport but I don't think she'll mind too much. So that's being sent off tomorrow.

We had a visit from the paediatrician who checked her out for clicky hips and listened to her heart and lungs. All was well and Abbey was given a full bill of health.

We took her into the hospital on Friday for her hearing test. She was a bit too noisey to start with but with a milk-full breast waving in her direction it was too good to refuse, a marvelous distraction and she soon settled down. The test showed no problems with her hearing.

It's been great having Bex here. As aways she has been great compnay and we'll be sad to see her go on Tuesday but also excited to see her off on the next part of her journey.

A big thanks to all our family and friends who have sent us texts and emails with good wishes and congratulations. We're just delighted to be able to share this magical time with you all even though many of you are so far away.

Sunday, July 15, 2007



Born: Sat 14th July 8:50am
Weight: 7lb 14.5oz

YES! (to all my family who convinced themselves to the contrary) IT'S A GIRL!!!!

Labour - it's ok I won't add any pictures!

My waters broke at 3am Sat morning and early morning trip to the loo proved that we were going to have a baby! I celebrated that she was definitely finally on her way.

And then... the contractions kicked in! They weren't too bad at first and it was amazing how one minute I really had to employ those breathing techniques and the next I felt totally fine. We rang the hospital to let them know what was happening and how I was feeling and how far apart the contractions were. The midwife said to stay at home a little longer and see how we go waiting for them to be a little closer together and longer in duration. So that's what we did. I tried to take the time between contractions to reflect on what was ahead and to thank God for this moment and pray strength for the labour ahead.

We managed to stay at home for a couple of hours but by about 5:30am the contractions were getting pretty intense and so we rang the hospital again and they said to come in. So Ryan got the car out and I waited for one contraction to be over then dashed out the door, only to have to stop along the way to breathe through another one before getting myself into the car. Suddenly the 5min journey to the hospital seemed like it was going to take an eternity. A couple of contractions along the way showed that they were coming a lot faster now.

On the labour suite we were seen by a midwife who did the usual admission bit and also checked to see how dilated i was. 3cm was the answer to that one. Suddenly 10cm was feeling like a lifetime away but i was glad she hadn't said 1cm. We were left for a bit while the midwife handed over to the morning staff. My contractions started to get a lot more intense and I got an urge to push that I really couldn't control. Ryan was very encouraging probably feeling as helpless as anything and I tried to breathe through it for a few contractions but it was really uncomfortable/painful and I just didn't understand how I was going to breathe through this for another 7cm! Suddenly an epidural was looking rather appealing. It all got a bit much and I got Ryan to go and get the midwife. The new midwife arrived. Rosemary was her name and she was absolutely wonderful! She examined me again and said "Well if you want to push you can push!" In the space of an hour and a half I was now fully dilated and Abbey was on her way.

The only pain relief I had had up till this point was 1g of paracetamol at home and all I could have now was gas and air. It's gets to a certain point in labour where you're really restricted as to what analgesia you can have and we had arrived that that point rather quickly. So we got hooked up to some of that which was fantastic. More than anything it helped my brain to chill out a little as I got a bit worked up i think worrying about this feeling to push and thinking i wasn't going to be able to for some time. Being able to push was fantastic. I could now go with what my body was wanting to do rather than fight it. Yes it was still painful but still a relief.

And with about an hour and a bit of pushing Abbey was born. Cord was around her neck and she had had a hand under her chin which is probably what caused the small tear I got but who cares! She was here!! And the joy in that moment was the best analgesia anyone could have offered me!

This at last...

One of the readings Mez and I chose for our wedding was a passage from Genesis where Adam, on seeing Eve exclaims "THIS AT LAST is flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones..." We would have been happy to leave the reading at just that line, cos it really summed up how we both felt.

I think though, that in life we are blessed with more than just one of those moments. Certainly my wedding day (or maybe it was the time I first laid eyes on Mez) was one, but today was definately another. On seeing my daughter for the first time, in a very sleep deprived state, one's mind wanders about all over the place. But most of all I felt a quiet, peaceful, contentment.

This at last is flesh of my flesh.
This at last is what I was created to do.
This at last is selflessness.
This at last is some idea of how God views me.
This at last is innocent beauty.
This at last is where my future lies.
This at last is a reason for not only living, but thriving (not that there weren't reasons before).

This at last...
This at last...
This at last... is Love.

I wonder what she's thinking...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Blind Date - (dad's first entry on the blog)

I've never been on a blind date before, so last night I thought i'd take the plunge...

Strange experience really, though one i'm certain i will never forget.

We met in a well lit room so there was no chance for anything dodgy to go down.

I can't remember who was the first to speak. I think it was me... needless to say she probably didn't think much of whatever dribble came out of my mouth... some astonished gasp followed by "gosh, you're beautiful!" I don't think she was overly impressed with my shameless flattery, but she gave me a glance that assured me i'd at least get a second look in with her.
By the second sentence I was promising her things i'd often felt unable to commit to.

Like unconditional love for a lifetime.
That I would work my life to ensure she was happy, well fed, and clothed. I even promised to teach her everything i know, if she'd care to listen and learn.

I guess I just got a bit caught up in the moment. After all, it's not every day you get to meet the woman of your dreams.

Well at least the last 9 months dreams...

I know i'm already married and all, but from now on it seems i'm a two woman man... the beauty of this situation of course is that Mez is totally sweet with it. We three make quite a harmonious family really.

This mystery woman then has even taken my name for her own, and moved in with us. I'm sure you're as keen as I am to welcome Miss Abbey Elise Monastra to the world and this extraordinary privelege we call life (in the better moments).

She's kinda short,

Kinda cute (in a squashed newborn kinda way!)

Kinda bald (Like her great Grandad (Monastra) but without the side bits), Though she has dad's widow's peak hairline...

Kinda Smelly (in a good way after a bath, in a bad way after... you know)

She has a mind, heart and beautiful clean soul all of her own, God saw her and was pleased, I had to agree, and i'm sure you will too... (and if you don't - keep the opinion to yourself, back in the day I was pretty good at constructing flawless arguments - don't make me do the one-eyed parent thing!)

We're home now after a great first date, and looking forward to many many more...

41 Weeks

And two girls trying to find ways of passing the time.

So we got out the camera and had a little fun!

Instructions on which way is out because this baby obviously is unaware.

Just so we're clear on who will be doing what around here..

It continues to be a hard wait for no other reason than that we just want to meet our baby. The midwife has come and given me a little 'tickle' to help things along. We'll see what happens over the next 48hrs.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Possible reason why Ryan might not make it to the birth..

My husband has developed an addiction recently.

In an attempt to distract himself from the days that are dragging by, accompanied by the lack of business on the work front, Ryan has moved on from Solitaire and found a new love in Spider. Computer card games that have an amazing ability to distract him for hours!

And I mean HOURS!

Bex is responsible for introducing him to Spider. She is forgiven, but is in charge of ensuring the computer does not make it's way to the hospital.

We love BEX!

If the smooth sweet soounds of the voices of it's mum and dad isn't enough to coax this baby out then perhaps this is!
The sweet smell that Bex produces when left in the kitchen!
Melting moments!

How very appropriate!

There's a lesson in this waiting I'm sure...

For 41 weeks now we have looked forward to the arrival of a certain special bundle

We have watched with amazement and awe as changes have occurred physically - the obvious belly expansion accompanied by the inability to put ones shoes on with ease. Oh and then there's that first moment when from the outside you see the movement from the babe within.

The contraction of the 'clumsy virus' where you can't help but drop everything that finds itself in your hands.
Emotionally - random moments where, for no apparent reason, one finds the need to burst into tears. Some things just hit that emotional nerve connected to my tear ducts.

Mentally - preparing the mind for motherhood and sometimes feeling like you're losing it along the way. The pressure of choosing a name that your child has for the rest of it's life!
And spiritually - no matter what anyone says I feel like has got to be one of THE most amazing, miraculous experiences we will have (and we've yet to even meet this baby!). We feel truly blessed to have been granted the gift of life. I have been in awe of the process of development of a part of me and a part of Ryan into what is bound to be a beautiful specimen of human kind.

Anyway that's enough of the deep-meaningfuls but I do mean every word!
Back to the waiting bit...

Tuesday Ryan was super quiet at work and we (Bex and I) were needing something fun to get out and do and so we all jumped in the car and headed out into the English countryside.

So despite being 5 days overdue, 41 weeks pregnant I was still up for some rock climbing along with everyone else! So here we are living life to the full!

I know you can hardly tell but I am pregnant in that photo. The angle hides my belly. Speaking of the belly over the last week it has definitely expanded over the last week. I hope this baby doesn't overcook too much!

Here is evidence that apparently pregnant women are not meant to get out and enjoy the countryside at this stage in the process. I couldn't get through sideways or front-ways or anyway for that matter apart from bump along with the rest of me being lifted up and over!

It's strange to think that soon, hopefully any day now that belly is going to be a lot smaller and instead daddy will be carrying the little one! YAY!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Another Day Rolls By....

and there has yet to be a moment where I'm looking like this...

And yes I'm sure Ryan will look exactly like that! A cheesey grin will expand from ear to ear as the moment when he will get to hold his child, is finally on it's way. Unfortunately for my sake this could also be how I look, but for now this is entirely staged.

Ryan was obviously out of luck with 7/7/7. We went to bed ever hopeful that things would kick off but unless I was to have a very short labour there was no chance that this baby was going to make an appearance.

So our strategy has been to make plans so that rather than waiting on bubs to make a move we can be taken by surprise and the days, between now and whenever we're actually going to have this baby, go by a little faster.

So last night we went to Mass. This morning we went to Vineyard church and we've not long got back from a picnic at a nice spot called Rufford Abbey. A great day for a picnic. This is the second day now that there has been no rain and it really was fabulous.

Really it's not too bad being overdue. For sure we're all hoping that it doesn't go on for too much longer because we just can't wait to meet this baby!

As far as this pregnancy is going I still couldn't ask for better. I have no back pain, no swelling, I'm peeing more, yes (sorry if that's too much information!) but it's not every 5 minutes. I'm sleeping relatively soundly (at least when I am asleep) and not waking up too drained. I'm still able to eat as much as Ryan dishes me for dinner (which is phenomenal for a non-pregnant woman let alone a pregnant woman with no-where near as much space in there!) without feeling sick. I don't suffer from reflux and I can still manage a 45 minute walk without feeling like I'm going to collapse from shortness of breath.

We definitely think this baby is piling on the weight though. My belly is getting stretched that little bit more each day and there doesn't feel like there is much more than one ever growing child in there. In fact I had a dream the other night that I gave birth to quite a big baby. It came out looking like an 8mth old, no new baby look about it at all, no wrinkly baby skin. Round and chubby fingers and toes and full cheeks. Thank goodness it was just a dream!

So we wait. And we will try and enjoy the waiting. I do hope we don't make it to Thursday.

If our baby is born today the 8th July it will share it's birthday with Aunty Tracey (Ryan's sister in NZ who recently had a little boy. Yay a cousin for our little one already!). If it's born tomorrow, 9th July, it will share it's birthday with my brother-in-law to be (Nick) and Caleb a great friend of ours (who was best-man at our wedding and who is expecting his second baby in Oct). On the 10th July is our friend Ruth's birthday so if this baby wants a birth date of it's own then Wednesday is looking like it's the only available option at this point. Although there are lots and I means lots of July birthdays on my dad's side of the family so it's quite possible there's nothing free for another month! DEAR GOD please let our child be the sharing type!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


We will update this as entires come in.
Caleb - GIRL, 11 July, wt 7lb 8oz
Matthew E - BOY, 12 July, wt 7lb
Wendy - BOY, wt 6lb 12oz

OUT OF COMPETITION (for right birth date anyway)

Aunty Ellen - BOY, 28th June, wt 7lb 3oz
Aunty Mikaela - BOY, 26th June, wt 7lb 60z
Gwen - Grandma McBride - GIRL, 23 or 24th June, wt 6lb 7oz
Vince - Grandpa McBride - BOY, 23 June, wt 6lb 3oz
Aunty Angie - BOY, 1st July, wt 6lb 60z
Cynthia - BOY, 1 July, wt 6lb 7oz (3050g)
Judy - Nannie Monastra - GIRL, 1 July, wt 6lb 12oz
John - Grandpa Monastra - BOY, 1 July, wt 6lb 12oz
Aunty Michelle - BOY, 2 July, wt 7lb
Denis & Dorothy - BOY, 2 July, wt 7lb 3oz

Clare S - BOY, 3 July. wt 7lb 120z - Long and skinny bod with pianist fingers
Paul A - BOY, 3 July, wt 7lb 10oz
Trev - GIRL (because the belly is rounded as opposed to pointy), 4 July (Feast of St Elizabeth of Portugal), wt 8lb (becos Mez does look quite large)
Dean & Helen - BOY, 6 July (Dean's Bday too!), wt 7lb 7oz
Ryan - Gender Known, 7 July, wt just right
Theresa - BOY, 7 July, wt 7lb 5oz
Di - GIRL, 7 July, wt 7lb 5oz - curly dark hair and two nostrals! (great!)
Monica - GIRL, 9 July, wt 8lb 2oz
Nick - BOY, 9 July, wt 8lb 1oz
Uncle Tony - Beautiful GIRL, 10 July, wt 'About that'


Well it has arrived! No not the baby but the 5th July our DUE DATE.

The date that every parent-to-be circles on the calender (well the women probably do anyway!). A day of great anticipation and excitement and yet probably for many just another day. It's not many parents that greet their new baby the day it is due. We're happy to be the exception to the rule though so I have been encouraging this baby to start making a move.

Today is also exciting for us as Bex arrives today. She will be a tired soul by the time she gets here having left NZ 38hrs before arriving in Nottingham. I think both she and I will need a nap this afternoon. So in all honesty it's quite alright if bubs doesn't turn up today.

Ryan is still betting on the birth date being the 7th of July. I'm not sure that I've said but he had a dream not long after we found out we were pregnant. This dream wasn't specifically about the baby but was along the lines of his world changing on the 7/7/7, so it was decided that this must be the day that our baby arrives as obviously from that day on our world will never be the same. It would certainly be convenient if bubs arrived this weekend giving us all, especially Ryan, chilled out time with the little one before he has to go back to work.

So come baby come!
Enter the world!
Begin the journey of your lifetime!
I know it's cosy in there but out here is just as good.
We have lots of love to give you.
We have hugs, we have kisses
We have eyes that will be content to simply gaze on you...
Hour upon hour, upon hour.
I look forward to the touch of your skin
I look forward to the softness of your hair
I look forward to discovering you
Your wrinkles, your toes, your fingers, your sparkly eyes
Your grin (no doubt as cute as your papas)
I look forward to the joy of seeing the creation of our love
And most of all of feeling a sense of touching heaven when we see and experience all this for the very first time.
Go well precious one.
See you as soon as you're ready.
Love ma